Increase usage of analytics you build

Promote your analytics

Increase usage of analytics you build

It's awesome when you build something and people use it to do good! Symphony's features give your users or customers more to engage with, and more recurring value so your tools get used more.

Build more, screenshot less

Save your own time

Build more, screenshot less

Do you often have to create Powerpoints or answer "quick" questions for managers and analysts? With Symphony you can more quickly provide answers or feedback in-platform and get back to building powerful analytics.

Gitlab for your analytics builds

Build better with feedback

Gitlab for your analytics builds

Feedback loops during analytics development can be painful. Punchlists in Excel, feedback in an email, it's a mess. Symphony allows you to obtain end-user feedback as you build, and their callouts are specific to data points and slices to make edits easier.

🙋 We'd be happy to answer that!

Check out our most frequently asked questions (FAQ) below.

  • Does Symphony replace our existing analytics tools?

  • How long does it take to deploy my own Symphony instance to embed our analytics?

  • What analytics products can be connected or embedded in Symphony?