Share "live" insights in the data

Interactive analysis

Share "live" insights in the data

Symphony allows you to drill into a dashbaord, save a perspective and add your insights against it for others to consider.

Real-time collaboration with other analysts

Peer collaboration

Real-time collaboration with other analysts

It's like Slack directly in your analytics. Consider different points and approaches with your team as you develop analysis for leadership or clients.

Reporting preparation made easy

Faster presentation prep

Reporting preparation made easy

Powerpoint may stay the final deliverable, but creating static slides to share insights and commentary is not fit for purpose. Rapidly share and iterate on data slices, answers and insights with Symphony.

🙋 We'd be happy to answer that!

Check out our most frequently asked questions (FAQ) below.

  • Does Symphony replace our existing analytics tools?

  • How long does it take to deploy my own Symphony instance to embed our analytics?

  • What analytics products can be connected or embedded in Symphony?