Provide details with your data

Context is king

Provide details with your data

Tell people why the data you're highlighting matters. Adding qualitative information to your quantitative data helps make decisions faster.

Provide specific insights into the data.

Connect with your audience

Provide specific insights into the data

Each time you use your dashboards you may have a different audience with different needs. Combine different bookmarks and information in the same analytics to create stronger impact.

Share data-driven stories for a data-lead organization

Go viral with your data

Share data-driven stories for a data-lead organization

Symphony allows you to combine data and context to provide a meaningful story. These stories can be shared by internal and external users so everyone comes along on the data-lead journey.

🙋 We'd be happy to answer that!

Check out our most frequently asked questions (FAQ) below.

  • Does Symphony replace our existing analytics tools?

  • How long does it take to deploy my own Symphony instance to embed our analytics?

  • What analytics products can be connected or embedded in Symphony?